From here to anywhere! Adelyn and Carol are now able to choose where in the world they want to live, go to college, and serve God:
For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord…to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah’s words of encouragement given 2600 years ago were never more applicable than they are at this present time. As we witness the challenges faced by each generation during their journey to adulthood, we recognize that this transition holds deeper significance in certain corners of the world. It’s in these places that the term “Marginalized” takes on profound meaning—that chasm between reality and opportunity. Our mission exists to bridge the gap, giving freedom to have real choices and access to power that changes things.
Whether you desire to join a group in underwriting a specific child, or individually cover the tuition entirely for one of these kids, this opportunity is now open. This opportunity is for those seeking to transcend the constraints of traditional well-known sponsorship programs. While those programs address real and immediate needs, they are unable to power a paradigm shift in hope beyond surviving from one day to the next—a future where hope becomes a palpable reality rather than a distant aspiration mere Fantasy.
Join us in this mission. Be the change that bridges the gap. Let’s rewrite the futures of these children together, creating stories of hope and changed realities.
When we came to Ecuador in 1997, our mission was to rescue orphaned and abandoned children from the many dangers that they face as those considered most at-risk in a country where children are marginalized by the complex dynamics of their communities. We learned early on that education was a key to crossing the margin and ending the cycle of poverty…but we also learned that not just any education would do that. Among the more than 180 countries around the world, Ecuador has been consistently at the bottom of the list for education quality as measured by OECD despite offering K-12 schools.
We looked at what NGOs and Christian organizations were doing in the region to deal with this decidedly existential problem. While we could see that most offered programs that could improve daily life, nothing was provided to deal with the overarching problem of the marginalization that would continue into adolescence and adulthood. It was clear to us that something on a different level would be essential to produce real freedom to make real choices resulting in a staggeringly better hope and future.
Montebello Academy was founded precisely to offer its students the opportunity for “real choices”. In the promotional materials that we put out we ask the question, “Can They Do This?” emphasizing a project design that is essentially different than other sponsorship programs in that we are aiming intentionally at a “Hope and a Future” that goes beyond today and is sustainable at the individual level.
Montebello now has 12 graduating classes of history where the results have been staggering as determined by the testimonies of our alumni. It all started as an experiment (see history of the mission) in creating a hybrid model learning methodology taken from the highest performing education systems in the world and offering it to our kids. More than a track leading to breaking the poverty cycle, the fact of Montebello alumni qualifying for university scholarships on every continent on the planet means that Image-bearers of Christ are carrying with them the core of our mission, the proclamation of the Gospel, to those university campuses and then beyond into professions and careers that no one imagined could ever be possible.
“The model of organizational development began with the idea that the results of a Montebello education would be so compelling that we would be able to attract students from privileged families who would pay tuition sufficient not only to cover their own costs but also the cost of learning for a child from our target demographic. The two girls in the photo at the top of this section are from our 2024 graduating class, and they are examples of the mission. They love God and want to serve Him wherever in the world He may choose to send them. Based on our experience, they will likely be offered university scholarships both internationally and nationally. These girls, among a history full of similar stories, demonstrate the reach of our margin-breaking mission. See the testimonials!
To date, the development of Montebello has allowed us to provide scholarships to the poorest of our demographic on an operational level without outside sponsorship. However, we have reached a tipping point where, to continue expanding the Montebello opportunity for the kids we believe God has called us to reach, we will now share this ministry with those who would choose to join us as sponsors of a child’s learning. This is to say, we have reached our internal budget limits, and to expand this dream further, we will need partners who will invest in the future of a child. The cost of a Montebello Academy education is $4,800 per year. Whether it’s a desire to join a group of persons in sponsoring a specific child or to individually cover the tuition for one of these kids, this opportunity is now open for those who want to go beyond meeting temporary needs to be instruments of change by the hand of God, writing futures according to a hope otherwise unreachable.”
90% of our organizational budget is attributed directly to education costs. It is essential to our mission that we attract and retain teachers who can get the results described in this site, continuing to offer this unique blessing to the most marginalized of children that God brings to our doors.
The opportunity to offer a child an education at Montebello Academy through sponsorship is initiated through a few different channels. Once a candidate is identified, Montebello has a series of processes by which the student can be qualified for the opportunity that we are offering through sponsorship. Once the qualification process is concluded, a search begins for sponsorship. Sponsorship may be accomplished by a single sponsor or multiple sponsors
Except in certain cases where circumstances produce a need among existing Montebello students, this program is offered specifically for new students qualified to enter Montebello for the first time. However, in the case of a sponsored student losing their sponsor, the opportunity for having a new sponsor would then be reopened.
The cost of a Montebello Academy education is approximately $5000 per year. This equates to $416 monthly. While this amount will be within reach for some individual sponsorships, others are accomplished through a team effort.
100% of your support goes to the child’s education expenses. (tuition and materials)
To make a gift, go to the “Donate” page and follow the format depending on:
Sponsorship of a child as part of a group of sponsors who will make up the amount needed, whether monthly or annually, that together represents the $4800 needed for the one-year tuition cost. Or:
Sponsorship of a child as an individual donor, either by the gift of $400 monthly or the $4800 annual amount in one donation per year.
Once your gift has been made, we will select a child, or if you prefer, you can select from among different profiles we can provide. Either way, once selected, the specific details regarding the child chosen will be provided to you.
And, of course, if information about a child waiting for a sponsor is desired before deciding to sponsor, we would be happy to respond to your request for more information if you send us your questions on this specific subject, or any other aspect of the mission of which you would be interested, through our “Contact” portal.
Yes, you may indicate a specific gift and whether it is “one-time” or recurrent. (checks or bank transfer may be preferred for larger amounts)
For monthly contributions we are asking for a commitment of a minimum one (1) year, after which you may choose to renew for another year. However, donors may terminate monthly gifts at anytime by request from the donation page.
Yes! Email, Sponsor / Student text, voice and video platform will be provided…and for some, there is even the possibility of a personal visit (which are most often in conjunction with tourism plans)
Our Student Services Coordinator will be constantly monitoring student wellbeing, providing necessary interventions on an ongoing basis. All relevant information regarding how the sponsored student is thriving at school and progressing in their personal lives, physically and spiritually, will be shared with sponsors regularly.
If you have made it to where you are reading these words, consider how that may be the result of our praying for those who will come alongside one of these who have been chosen to have you as their sponsor.
Thank you for your interest in this opportunity. To know more about how to guide you further, please submit your questions or requests, and we’ll get back to you by email as soon as possible. If you prefer a call, please state that in your message.